Sound Proofing Your Puppy

New Experiences Matter

For families with new puppies, prevention of sound phobias is important and should start as early as possible. Between 3 and 18 weeks, puppies are highly sensitive to their environment. Scary experiences make a huge impact on their behavior as they grow into adult dogs. The wealth of scientific research on this topic tells us that it is very easy for dogs to acquire fear through genetics, bad experiences, failing to provide early socialization or any combination of the three. The jury is still out on whether it is possible to completely reverse fear in animals, but decades-long research suggests that it is not.

This is why creating positive early experiences for puppies is such a big deal. 

What is Noise Phobia?

Dogs who suffer from sound sensitivity can have reactions that range from severe panic to mild distress when exposed to unexpected sounds. A normal dog will alert to a sound then move on, while noise phobic dogs might cower, hide, pant or drool excessively, shake, panic or try to escape. These dogs typically remain in a fearful state for a longer period of time and may take hours to recover after the noise has stopped. Owners of noise phobic dogs can attest to how heartbreaking it is to witness this state of overwhelming panic. If you’ve ever experienced the uncontrollable fear of flying, public speaking, heights or being physically threatened then you can empathize with these dogs.

Socializing Your Puppy to New Sounds

Very young puppies who are exposed to a variety of sounds will often get used to them. Some dogs, however, get worse at each exposure to certain sounds and become more panicked every time. The tricky part is that we just can’t definitively predict how a particular dog will react. Our best bet is to expose puppies to various sounds starting at low volumes while we engage in fun play and offer tasty treats after each occurrence of the sound. Pairing the new sound (FIRST) with a high value food item (SECOND) is a proven way to help puppies form positive associations. 

There are a variety of audio downloads on the market geared towards socializing puppies to the sounds of fireworks and thunderstorms. I use the Canine Noise Phobia Series from the folks at Through A Dog’s Ear. This audio download can be used in conjunction with a formal treatment plan for noise phobic dogs and as a socializing tool for young puppies. This audio series feature dog-specific psychoacoustic music and random occurrences of fireworks that get progressively louder with each of the 5 tracks. For socializing new pups, the idea is that you play the first two tracks while the puppy is busy with a stuffed chew toy, engaging in play or just hanging out with you. 

The Plan

  • Set your puppy up with toys, chew items and a comfy resting spot in the room with you.

  • Play the first two tracks at a low/medium volume randomly throughout the day. Be sure to play the tracks in the evening after dark when the real fireworks will be happening.

  • After each fireworks sound toss a few high value treats to your pup - - small pieces of chicken breast or freeze dried beef liver are good options.

  • Your puppy might jump up and look around when they first hear the fireworks. Use happy talk and toss treats to them - - make it a party!

  • We’re looking for our pups to remain relaxed and engaged in their chew items before adding the next track to the routine. This may take a couple of days, so be patient. There's no need to rush this plan!

  • Repeat the steps above when adding track 3 and then repeat again when adding track 4.

  • The 4th track features the most intense fireworks and includes the ‘finale’. Be prepared to toss those high value treats!

*Remember, if your pup shows signs of fear or anxiety at any time during the audio - - hiding, panting, shaking, trying to escape - - it’s time to back off! Stop the audio and engage your puppy in play, cuddle time or anything else they really like.

Don’t worry about ‘reinforcing’ your dog’s fear by comforting them, this is a myth and is not supported by animal behavior science. Next time, reduce the volume and monitor for any signs of distress. 

What If Your Dog Is Already Afraid?

If your adult dog or puppy is showing signs of anxiety or fear around loud noises, please contact us for a Behavior Consultation.

Your Veterinarian may also recommend medication to help your dog get through the holiday.  


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